Longbows presents you in this category the list of the best brands to choose from when looking for starter and premium longbows . These brands include, but are not limited to: Bear, Damon Howatt and October Mountain.

We use availability, durability, brace height, weight, AMO length, draw cycle, speed and accuracy as some of the main factors for our criteria of selection.

Bear Archery

Since 1933 Bear Archery has been manufacturing and marketing bows and archery equipment, so if you're looking for a brand that's tested by time, this is the choice to pick. One of its leading longbows we featured here is the Bear Montana Longbow, which we recommend to longbow pros and fans looking for a lightweight and smoother alternative that's crafted in a beautifully designed black hard rock maple body finish.

Damon Howatt

Damon Howatt is the brand to trust if you're a beginner who wants to go for a time-tested bow maker known for their longbows and arrows' exceptional speed. Since 1943, its founder, Damon Howatt, has been making longbows marked for their lightweight and unmatched accurate speeds. One of these longbows is the Martin Savannah Stealth Longbow.

We suggest you get this longbow if you're a professional who has already tried the previous Savannah Model, as this is a better version with a more aesthetic, reinforced riser.

October Mountain Products

Creator of top quality archery essentials, October Mountain creates longbows that are meant for high performance and will enhance both beginners and pros' archery experience. We suggest you get the OMP Ozark Hunter Longbow if you want a strong, reliable longbow that sports a traditional, classic limb design and body, perfect for an early morning hunt.

The longbows from October Mountain are also known for their natural wood materials, like hard maple, walnet and purple heart wood. If you're just a curious archer looking for a stylish display longbow, this brand has plenty for you.

The Mountain Man Sierra Longbow is another one we can recommend for serious longbow archers. Part of the 2019 rebranded appearance and defined segmentation of the brand, this elegantly powerful longbow has a comfortable hold and smooth draw that elevates any skill level's shooting game.