The Benefits of Archery to Kids

The Benefits of Archery to Kids

Archery is a unique recreational activity that yields many benefits for children who participate. In an archery round, the archer releases several arrows at the target, and then receives points for the accuracy of each shot.


Archery for everyone

The sport of archery can be taught to anyone, including children and those with disabilities. It is so accessible because it can be performed seated or standing, with modified bows, and with targets at various distances away.

Parents are often concerned about the possible danger of bows and arrows, but archery is actually safer than most typical ball sports.

The competitions are structured with strict rules for safe shooting, so children learn how to be responsible for their actions and equipment.


Physically and mentally demanding

Archery does not lack the physical and mental demand of other sports; it develops upper body and core strength as kids learn how to draw and aim their bow.

Practicing archery also cultivates mental toughness and self-confidence in children. Accurate shots require deliberate practice, patience, and concentration; a perfect opportunity to develop discipline.

As kids can visually see their shots improving, their self-confidence increases and the motivation to excel continues.

Coaches can help each child set goals to hit the next ring on the target, and then celebrate their achievement when they master it.


Not just an individual sport

Although archery is often viewed as an individual sport, it can also be enjoyed with a team. The team environment offers additional benefits for children, such as learning how to respect and support others.


For any wallet

Since it requires limited equipment, archery can be practiced on a small budget. Bows and targets can be handmade or bought for a small price. Packages are often put together so everything needed for a first experience is included at an affordable price.


A fascinating year-round sport

There are both indoor and outdoor archery teams, which provides an excellent opportunity to stay active and busy year-round. Kids of all ages often find archery to be cool and exciting, as they are fascinated by the bows and relate it to hunting or familiar superheroes.


The benefits are real

As children grow, the benefits of archery positively impact all aspects of their life and may develop an affinity for it that lasts a lifetime.

If you would like to see a summary of all the benefits of archery to kids, have a look at the infographic below (via aStraightArrow) and start looking for the best archery range nearby.


The Benefits of Archery to Kids

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